
Back to Normal? Or Forward to Something New?


Back in the 1980’s, the future of work was expected to be remote.  The expansion of the internet into people’s homes was expected to make commuting to an office obsolete.

People would be able to work and shop from home and live in any location where the internet was accessible.

This change was expected to save money and time, plus create more leisure hours. Working from home was expected to reduce pressure on the environment by reducing the need for office space, highway infrastructure and vehicle miles traveled.

However, corporations and office managers were not so enthusiastic about the idea.  Many believed their employees’ productivity would fall, as they would be too distracted at home. Many also believed that it would be too hard to track employees’ performance, maintain company culture, or even be able to ensure your employees weren’t working for a competitor or sharing company secrets.

These concerns and objections slowed the transition to remote work until the pandemic hit.

All of the sudden worldwide, companies had to figure out how to keep their doors open and themselves and their employees safe.  Where possible, work shifted to remote. Even school went virtual.

This has worked fantastically well in some instances and for some people.  Some companies and positions saw an increase in productivity and employee satisfaction.  Some found ways to maintain or enhance company culture. 

However, it has not worked well in all situations; and it has not worked well for some people.

Now that the return to the office and schools have begun, it is important to sort out when, where, how and for what and whom virtual and remote or a hybrid model works better than the tradition office and school setting.

Tradition and historical patterns are important for understanding time tested ideas.

However, in instances where traditions and historical ways of operating no longer serve, it is important to consider alternatives.

Most of us have had a year or more of living differently.  During that time, what current and intrinsic values and behaviors do you consider worth continuing or reestablishing as guidelines permit?

As your community opens up, what changes do you anticipate? What changes do you want to make?

Please share your thoughts and ideas or contact us for a conversation.

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